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Hacktoberfest 2024

Event Details


GitHub says this about Hacktoberfest: "Open-source projects, maintained by community-minded coders, make the modern internet function. Supporting that essential work, and the folks behind it, is what Hacktoberfest is all about." Participants are encouraged to submit at least four high-quality Pull Requests during the month of October, to any of the many hundreds of thousands of public repositories hosted on GitHub or GitLab.

Rocky Linux is pleased to make several of our GitHub repositories available to participants. Approved repos have been given the label 'hacktoberfest'. To support Rocky Linux as part of your Hacktoberfeset experience, visit the repos linked above and start by looking at the open Issues for ones labeled for 'hacktoberfest'. Check out the contribution guide for each repo (they are all a little different), then choose an Issue, work through the steps to resolve it, open a PR, and stick with it until we get it merged!

You are also invited to submit an original PR. Just make sure we know to label it for Hacktoberfest. When PRs are closed successfully, they should be given a final tag of "Hacktoberfest-approved".


Almost all of our highlighted requests are considered Good First Issues to resolve. - The repo houses aspects related to website functionality and content. Request for a photo gallery feature to be added to a specific location on the website. More issues may be added during the month. - The documentation repo houses books, guides, tutorials, and labs of Linux-related processes framed for Rocky Linux. We have several requested tutorials including networking, hardware troubleshooting, and desktop applications. Participants are also invited to submit tutorials on whatever topic inspires them. - The community team, housed within the repo, is currently building out its documentation and requests help in the area of event reports and social media posts.


This will be updated after the event.

Additional Resources

Hacktoberfest Participants

Please add your name, a link to your public posts about the event, your GitHub handle, or whatever other relevant information you want to include.

👉 Panayiotis Georgiou @georgioupanayiotis - Facebook Post

👉 Andrew Scott @andcscott - LinkedIn Post