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This how-to is WIP and based on

The setup is as follows: * CentOS-8 installed * Firewall allowing communication between the hosts * Public network for access and private network for koji and kerberos communication between hosts * hosts koji, kojiweb, koji-hub,kojira, kerberos server, kerberos workstation "for testing" * hosts kojid building daemon and kerberos workstation "for testing" * Your location machine should have kerberos workstation as well and a browser configured to use kerberos * SSL is setup for web facing services using let's encrypt, you need to sort this one out

Getting kerberos up and running


You will need to install kerberos for this setup, however I assume IPA will be in place and will be used

On the machine do the following: * Install he needed packages: dnf install krb5-server.x86_64 krb5-workstation.x86_64 -y * Edit /etc/krb5.conf to look like that

# To opt out of the system crypto-policies configuration of krb5, remove the
# symlink at /etc/krb5.conf.d/crypto-policies which will not be recreated.
includedir /etc/krb5.conf.d/

    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

    dns_lookup_realm = false
    ticket_lifetime = 24h
    renew_lifetime = 7d
    forwardable = true
    rdns = false
    pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
    spake_preauth_groups = edwards25519
    default_realm = GNULAB.ORG
    default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}

     kdc =
     admin_server =

[domain_realm] = GNULAB.ORG = GNULAB.ORG
Where GNULAB.ORG is your realm * Create kerberos DB and create your super secrete password for the DB: kdb5_util create -s * Edit kerberos ACL /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl to look as follows:
*/admin@GNULAB.ORG  *
* Create the local admin: kadmin.local -q "addprinc admin/admin" * Start you services: systemctl enable krb5kdc --now && systemctl enable kadmin --now

The principles

koji needs few principles in kerberos for authentication as follows:

  • host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG: Used by the koji-hub server when communicating with the koji client
  • HTTP/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG: Used by the koji-web server when performing a negotiated Kerberos authentication with a web browser. This is a service principal for Apache’s mod_auth_gssapi.
  • koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG: Used by the koji-web server during communications with the koji-hub. This is a user principal that will authenticate koji-web to Kerberos as “koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG”. Koji-web will proxy the mod_auth_gssapi user information to koji-hub (the ProxyPrincipals koji-hub config option).
  • koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG: Used by the kojira server during communications with the koji-hub
  • compile/ Used on builder1 to communicate with the koji-hub. This is a user principal that will authenticate koji-builder to Kerberos as “compile/”. Each builder host will have its own unique Kerberos user principal to authenticate to the hub.
  • snagy@GNULAB.ORG: for my testing and package owner
  • HTTP/ to allow the client to use HTTP "I am not sure"

And we can start creating the needed principles: * run kadmin.local then the following:

addprinc host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG
addprinc HTTP/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
addprinc koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
addprinc koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG
addprinc HTTP/
addprinc snagy@GNULAB.ORG
addprinc kojiadmin@GNULAB.ORG

  • Now we will need to create keytab, keytab is used for non-password auth, also I guess once you do that, you won't be able to use passwords, but that is okay since most of those are services principals, not that you can use multiple files if you need to, run kadmin.local and then:
        ktadd   -k /etc/koji.keytab host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG
        ktadd   -k /etc/koji.keytab HTTP/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
        ktadd   -k /etc/koji.keytab koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG
        ktadd   -k /etc/koji.keytab koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
        ktadd   -k /etc/koji.keytab HTTP/
  • Validation done by running klist -k -t /etc/koji.keytab
  • Run change permissions: chmod 644 /etc/koji.keytab
    root# klist -k -t /etc/koji.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/koji.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp           Principal
    ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
       2 12/19/2020 15:00:53 koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:00:53 koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:08 koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:08 koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:14 HTTP/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:14 HTTP/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:20 host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:01:20 host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG
       2 12/19/2020 15:38:52 HTTP/
       2 12/19/2020 15:38:52 HTTP/

Setting up koji echosystem

We will start by setting up the DB, koji-hub, kojiweb and then kojira

The Database

On the main server, do the following: * We need to install postgreqsl: dnf install postgresql-server -y * Init postgresql db: postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql * Start the service: systemctl enable postgresql --now * Adding Koji user:

useradd koji
passwd koji
and set a random complex password * Lets create koji DB user:
su - postgres
createuser --no-superuser --no-createrole --no-createdb koji
createdb -O koji koji
psql -c "alter user koji with encrypted password 'mysupercomplexpassword';"
* Let's setup koji: dnf install koji -y * load the DB into postgresql: su - koji psql koji koji < /usr/share/doc/koji*/docs/schema.sql * Postgresql permissions Since my koji server lives with the postgresql, I am using socket communication instead of TCP/IP * Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf as follows "Order is important":
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   koji        koji                    trust
local   all             all                                     peer
* Reload postgresql: systemctl reload postgresql * Create koji authenticiation for kerberos:
su - koji

psql <<EOF
with user_id as (
insert into users (name, status, usertype) values ('kojiadmin', 0, 0) returning id
insert into user_krb_principals (user_id, krb_principal) values (
(select id from user_id),
* Give the user admin permissions:
    su - koji
    koji=> select * from users;
    koji=> insert into user_perms (user_id, perm_id, creator_id) values ("id of user inserted above", 1, "id of user inserted above");

/mnt/koji and NFS

  • Create the koji file system skeleton:
  • Setup NFS and apache : dnf install nfs-utils httpd -y
    cd /mnt
    mkdir koji
    cd koji
    mkdir {packages,repos,work,scratch,repos-dist}
    chown apache.apache *
  • Start the service: systemctl enable --now nfs-server
  • Edit /etc/exports as follows:
  • Export the filesystem: exportfs -ra
  • View current state: exportfs -v
  • On the client install the NFS client packages: dnf install nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools -y
  • Create the local dir: mkdir /mnt/koji
  • Mount the NFS: mount -t nfs /mnt/koji


  • Install kojihub dnf install koji-hub mod_ssl -y
  • Enable postgresql sweep function: systemctl enable --now koji-sweep-db.timer
  • Enable kerberos auth in /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojihub.conf by uncomment the section below as follows:
    # uncomment this to enable authentication via GSSAPI
     <Location /kojihub/ssllogin>
             AuthType GSSAPI
             AuthName "GSSAPI Single Sign On Login"
             GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/koji.keytab
             Require valid-user
  • koji-hub configurations as follows in /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf:
    DBName = koji
    DBUser = koji
    KojiDir = /mnt/koji
    AuthPrincipal = host/kojihub@GNULAB.ORG
    AuthKeytab = /etc/koji.keytab
    ProxyPrincipals = koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG
    HostPrincipalFormat = compile/%s@GNULAB.ORG
    LoginCreatesUser = On
    KojiWebURL =
    NotifyOnSuccess = True
  • Install selinux policyutils: dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils -y
  • Lets fix some selinux stuff:
        setsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write=1
        setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
        setsebool -P httpd_use_nfs=1
        semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/mnt/koji(/.*)?"
        restorecon -r -v /mnt/koji
    ## Configure koji cli client
    * edit **/etc/koji.conf** as follows:

server = weburl = topurl = topdir = /mnt/koji authtype = kerberos krb_rdns = false plugins = runroot use_fast_upload = yes

* restart httpd: ```systemctl restart httpd```
* Test by running the following on koji server:
    * kinit -p kojiadmin@GNULAB.ORG
    * koji moshimoshi
[root@koji ~]# kinit -p kojiadmin@GNULAB.ORG Password for kojiadmin@GNULAB.ORG: [root@koji ~]# koji moshimoshi hylô, kojiadmin!

You are using the hub at Authenticated via GSSAPI

## Kojiweb
* Install kojiweb: ```dnf install koji-web -y```
* Edit **/etc/httpd/conf.d/kojiweb.conf** to allow kerberos:

uncomment this to enable authentication via Kerberos

AuthType GSSAPI AuthName "Koji Web UI" GssapiCredStore keytab:/etc/koji.keytab Require valid-user ErrorDocument 401 /koji-static/errors/unauthorized.html

* Edit Kojiweb configuration **/etc/kojiweb/web.conf**
[web] SiteName = koji

KojiHubURL = KojiFilesURL =

WebPrincipal = koji/kojiweb@GNULAB.ORG WebKeytab = /etc/koji.keytab WebCCache = /var/tmp/kojiweb.ccache KrbService = KrbServerRealm = GNULAB.ORG LoginTimeout = 72 Secret = asdasdf12313ewdasfq234f LibPath = /usr/share/koji-web/lib LiteralFooter = True

* restart apache: ```systemctl reload httpd```
## Setting up the builder / kojid / koji-builder
This will configuration will be on the building node(s)

* Install koji-builder: ```dnf install koji-builder -y```
* Edit **/etc/kojid/kojid.conf** as follows:

topdir=/mnt/koji workdir=/tmp/koji server= topurl= ; those are for building package from git.c.o and Mustafa's git,/usr/bin/srpmproc_wrapper host_principal_format=compile/%s@GNULAB.ORG

On koji main server, run the following commands:
* Add the new builder:  ```koji add-host  x86_64```
* Add the createrepo channel: ```koji add-host-to-channel createrepo```
* I did adjust the capacity since it is a small machine: ```koji edit-host --capacity=8```
* Note, by default kojid uses DNS to talk to koji-hub, so you need to have SRV record in your DNS as follows:
_kerberos._udp IN SRV 10 100 88 kerberos.GNULAB.ORG.
* Kojid looks for **/etc/kojid/kojid.keytab** by default, so you need to create a file with compile principle as above and place it in the right location on builder node(s)
kadmin.local addprinc compile/ ktadd -k /tmp/kojid.keytab compile/
On the builder node, restart kojid: ```systemctl enable kojid --now```

## Kojira

* Install koji-utils: ```dnf install koji-utils -y```
* Add kojira user and give it permission for repo
koji add-user koji/kojira koji grant-permission repo koji/kojira
* Edit **/etc/kojira/kojira.conf** as following:

server= topdir=/mnt/koji logfile=/var/log/kojira.log principal = koji/kojira@GNULAB.ORG keytab = /etc/koji.keytab

* Start Kojira service: ```systemctl enable kojira --now```

# Koji bootstrapping

I went with the external repo method to bootstrap the setup, so I added external repos and create the following tags and targets, this work is based on:

On the main node, run the following:
* Add your final dist tag: ```koji add-tag dist-rocky8```
* Create the build tag:
```koji add-tag --parent dist-rocky8 --arches "x86_64" -x mock.yum.module_hotfixes=1 dist-rocky8-build```

* Add the external repos, I hard coded the ARCH, but you can use \$arch instaed of x86_64 in the repo URL:
koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-baseos-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-appstream-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-devel-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-ha-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-pt-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-cp-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-cr-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-extras-external\$arch/os/ koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-fasttrack-external\$arch/os koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-debuginfo-external\$arch/
* I also created a small package for centospkg-minimal and srpmproc and create local repo, so adding that too:
koji add-external-repo -m bare -t dist-rocky8-build centos-8-local-repo-external\$arch/
* Add the targets: ```koji add-target dist-rocky8 dist-rocky8-build dist-rocky8```
* Create the bootstrapping groups for build and srpm-build
koji add-group dist-rocky8-build build koji add-group dist-rocky8-build srpm-build
* Add the bootstrapping packages:
koji add-group-pkg dist-rocky8-build build bash buildsys-macros-el8 bzip2 centos-release centpkg-minimal coreutils cpio diffutils findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ grep gzip info make module-build-macros patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build scl-utils-build sed shadow-utils tar unzip util-linux which xz git srpmproc koji add-group-pkg dist-rocky8-build srpm-build bash buildsys-macros-el8 centos-release centpkg-minimal git redhat-rpm-config rpm-build scl-utils-build shadow-utils system-release srpmproc
* Regenerating the repos ```koji regen-repo dist-rocky8-build```

# Running a test

I ran the following test to build package from

```koji add-user snagy```
```koji add-pkg --owner snagy dist-rocky8 python36``` "need to check if this is needed"
koji build dist-rocky8 'git+' ``` * Results at: