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Onboarding Guide for Leaders of a SIG


As a SIG leader, it is your responsibility to ensure a smooth onboarding experience for new members. This involves welcoming, collaborating with, and providing necessary resources to new contributors.

Welcoming and Sponsoring New Members

  1. Review Requests:
  2. Regularly monitor formal requests to join the SIG on
  3. Ensure new members have completed all required steps, including account creation, signing agreements, and providing necessary information.

  4. Communication:

  5. Promptly acknowledge receipt of membership requests and provide clear next steps.
  6. Send a welcome email or message via Mattermost introducing the new member to the rest of the SIG.

  7. Add to Necessary Groups:

  8. Guide the new member through joining any relevant mailing lists, forum groups, or project teams.
  9. Grant necessary permissions on platforms such as or

  10. Facilitating Integration:

  11. Introduce the new member during the next SIG meeting.
  12. Encourage active participation and discuss current projects or areas where help is needed.
  13. Ensure the new member understands how to access and use collaboration tools.

Handling Active and Emeritus Members

  1. Active Members:
  2. Regularly engage with members to ensure they are well-informed about SIG activities.
  3. Provide support and address any issues or questions members might have.

  4. Emeritus Members:

  5. Track member activity and contributions.
  6. If a member becomes inactive, reach out to understand their status and interest.
  7. Consider transitioning inactive members to emeritus status if they no longer participate.

Getting Help

When in doubt, the Community team is the best resource to help you out. Visit for assistance or contact


Ensuring a structured and supportive process for onboarding and engaging members will foster a productive and collaborative SIG environment. Your role as a leader is crucial in making new members feel valued and integrated into the Rocky Linux community. Thank you for your leadership and dedication.