Account Services helps the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation keep track of contributors as well as the projects that they work on. This agreement goes over the RESF Git Service (Gitea) and the Rocky Linux GitLab instance, as well as their overall usage and what is expected for contributors.
We require that contributors of Rocky (RESF) accept the following agreement, as it provides access to the RESF Git Service.
Please read carefully before accepting this agreement.
The RESF Git Service (Gitea) is a core part of the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation. It is used to host code/software that is under the RESF or provide the teams within the Rocky ecosystem to manage their own projects, code, wiki, and so on. It will also act as a mirror for some repositories from the Rocky GitHub organizations and in some special cases, mirrors from the Rocky Linux GitLab instance.
The Rocky Linux GitLab instance is a core part of the Rocky Linux build ecosystem, and thus a mode of the development process for the distribution and available software. Being a user of the Rocky Linux GitLab allows you (the user) to create repositories, open issues, and collaborate on Special Interest Groups, and fixing all types of issues within the ecosystem, such as assets or failed patches.
This agreement does not cover, nor affect the ability to contribute to any of the Rocky GitHub organizations.
General Guidelines¶
As a contributor, there are guidelines in which you (the user) and others must follow. Below are a list of general things to be aware of:
Moderation is enforced - As is done in the Rocky Linux MatterMost chat, it is important to mind your language and word choice. Speak to others as you would want them to speak to you.
A valid GPG key must be uploaded and used to sign your commits. Signed commits, as a general rule, are recommended. Expect that most projects will have unsigned commits disabled.
Accounts that are not in use or have not logged in may be deactivated or disabled
Do not treat any git service as a general purpose Rocky Linux bug tracker. All issues should be tracked at our current bug tracker at Issues pertaining to a project under RESF may have other guidelines.
As a contributor, there are expectations for you (the user) and others who work in and interact with the git service. Below are a list of expectations we have of you:
Do not create personal repositories - If the repository is not for the RESF, Rocky Linux, a SIG, a "people" page / area of work, or planned Rocky contributions, it should not be created.
You will retain ownership of your contributions - Anything contributed by you (the user) will not be taken away from you or your name removed from said contributions, as outlined in the Rocky Open Source Contributor Agreement.
Git is not a Rocky Linux bug tracker - All issues related to Rocky Linux should be tracked at our current bug tracker. Depending on the SIG, issues with the software or otherwise can be tracked either with their repositories or the bug tracker. This does not stop you (the user) from opening issues or PR's to improve or fix other issues without opening a bug report in most circumstances.
Users must have GPG keys assigned to their account and their commits signed for specific repositories as configured.
Repository/Project Management¶
Git software generally has repositories that holds code. Almost, if not all git software also allows a user to not only contribute to other repositories, but also have their own repositories that are directly connected to their profile. In both Rocky Git instances, while we encourage contributions and work on the many projects within, a personal repository connected only to you is discouraged in most circumstances.
Below are some general ideas of what is allowed for repository management:
- Allowed: Forking repositories, creating pull requests where needed
- Allowed: Creating repositories (if permitted) in groups you are part of
- Allowed: Creating repositories in your namespace for "people" material (such as wiki, pages, and other material)
Allowed: Creating repositories in your namespace that may potentially move to or become a or part of a project within the Rocky ecosystem
Discouraged: Creating repositories under your namespace for your own use or consumption.
If the repository is planned to be moved under a team, SIG or another manner, this is a valid case for having repositories under your namespace. The user should request the move when ready by one of the following:
- Submit an issue in a meta repository if applicable
- Open a ticket in the bug tracker if a meta repository does not exist or one is not appointed
- Request directly in a public mattermost channel or another applicable medium such as email.
Repositories that are found to be personal in nature and do not reflect a given project, SIG, use for a "people" site or set of material, or repository (such as a fork) within the Rocky ecosystem may be archived or deleted.
Account Lifecycle¶
As a general rule of access, the RESF Git Service requires the signing of this agreement to gain access. For the Rocky Linux GitLab, this is not the case as the user also needs to be part of the "gitusers" group.
While there are other groups that facilitate more finer grained access into the various projects and groups, all users (contributors) will need to have signed this agreement and in the case of GitLab, be part of "gitusers" to login.
Direct sign-ups or local git accounts are not permitted and no exceptions will be granted.
Obtaining Access to the RESF Gitea Instance¶
A user obtains access to the RESF Gitea instance as long as the following conditions have been met:
The user accepts the relevant contributor agreements in Account Services
The user accepts this agreement
Obtaining Access to the Rocky Linux GitLab¶
A user obtains access to the Rocky Linux git as long as the following conditions have been met:
The user accepts the relevant agreements in Account Services
The user will be part of a Special Interest Group or other general development
The user or sig sponsor requests access to the "gitusers" group by contacting a sponsor in MatterMost - These sponsors can be found in the gitusers group in Account Services or at our wiki:
The user accepts this agreement
Upon acceptance and review, user will be added to the "gitusers" group in Account Services and their account will then be enabled in the GitLab instance.
Requesting Removal of Access¶
A user that has access to any Rocky git can, at any time, request their account to be removed. This can be done by logging into the Rocky Linux bug tracker at, clicking "Report Issue", selecting the "Account Services" item, and then selecting "Account Removal Request."
Note that you can also request a full account closure. Please see the following link for more information.
Revocation of Access¶
A user's access to any Rocky Git can be revoked at any time. Access can be revoked for but not limited to any of the following reasons:
Repeated breach of guidelines and expectations as outlined in this agreement
Breach of the Rocky Open Source Contributor Agreement
Spam/Bot Accounts - An account that is found to spam or perform bot-like activities will be removed. This also applies to the bug tracking system.
"Trophy" Accounts - An account that is found just to have access to any Rocky Git that has no plans for contributions and is using it as a way of a status symbol will have their access removed.
This also applies to accounts that are solely to make small/trivial changes that does not bring any benefits to the packages, software, and code produced for Rocky as a whole. Pull requests that are found to not improve the state of function of a package, software, or code, as a general rule, are denied.
To access the RESF Git Service, you must accept this agreement to signify you agree to the guidelines and expectations as laid out above.
To join the "gitusers" group, you must accept this agreement first before a sponsor can add or request your addition to "gitusers".