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QA:Testcase Update Image

Associated release criterion

This test case is associated with the Release_Criteria#Update Image release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion.


This test case verifies that an update image can be loaded into Anaconda and applied during the install process.


Depending on installer choices this MAY destroy all the data on the test system. If you choose to complete the installation of the test system any/all data on the system may be lost. Please do not install on a system whose contents you need to keep.


  1. Obtain access to supported system and hardware class to be installed.
  2. Prepare appropriate media for the selected ISO to be tested.
  3. Boot the system from the prepared optical, USB media or virtual device attachment.
  4. In the boot menu select the appropriate option to boot the installer.
  5. Hit the Tab key to edit the boot command

How to test

  1. Supply inst.updates= to the GRUB command line
  2. Boot into the installer as usual.
  3. In Anaconda, open the Installation Destination spoke.

Expected Results

  1. Within the Installation Destination spoke, the selected install disk should have a pink background

No update provided - **FAIL**

Update provided - **PASS**

  1. If you cannot verify visually, check for the existence of /tmp/updates, which should contain updated source files if the update was successfully applied. Note that if the update image doesn't actually contain any source files, this directory will not be created.

Testing with openQA

The following openQA test suites satisfy this release criteria:

  • install_scsi_updates_img

Additional References

Red Hat Debug Boot Options
Fedora QA:Testcase Anaconda updates.img via URL
Fedora QA:Testcase Anaconda updates.img via local media

Additional Information

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This work is heavily inspired by the Fedora Quality Assurance documents which were made available under Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license unless otherwise noted.

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